Apostila Certificat de Nastere

  • Apostila de la Haga este un certificat cu stampila care se ataseaza pe spatele certificatului de nastere englezesc pentru a fi recunoscut de Consulat sau a fi folosit in afara UK
birth certificate apostille

Ce inseamna a apostila certificatul de nastere?

• Apostila pe certificate de nastere certifica ca documentul emis este valid si se poate folosi la ambasada, consulat sau in afara UK ;
• The Register – Ofiterul care a semnat certificatul este inregistrat cu FCO ( Ministerul de Externe Britanic)
• Confirma ca documentul este emis de GRO (General Registry Office)

Apostilla Certificat Nastere

Certificatul de nastere britanic este un document care atesta nasterea unui copil, circumstantele nasterii si emitentul certificatului. Cand o nastere este inregistrata se poate emite doua certificate. Forma scurta – unde apare doar detaliile numelui copilului si Forma lunga – unde in plus apar detaliile parintilor si adresa din UK.

Pentru Consulatul Romaniei se va legaliza doar forma lunga. Traducerea este necesara cand se doreste inregistrarea cetateniei romane, emiterea certificatului romanesc si a pasaportului.

Dupa Brexit certificatul multilingv poate fi necesar daca familia se muta in tari din UE. Aplicantii sa contacteze autoritalile relevante din tara unde se vor muta pentru a verifica daca au nevoie.

Ce putem Apostila?

How to legalise?

Birth Certificate

Legalise ONLINE

Legalise by FORM

  1. Print and fill the Order Form with your details
  2. Post your documents with the Order Form to us
  3. We legalise your documents and post back to you
  • Postal address is written on the top of the form
  • If you do not have a printer then please post your document to us with your details written down (Name, Email, Telephone and Return Address)
  • Payment can be made by Debit/Credit Card on the invoice, Bank transfer, Cheque, Postal Order, Paypal, etc.

We can supply Apostille Certificate from the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, and many overseas British territory or if the event was registered with a British Overses Consulate

BIRTH CERTIFICATE can be legalised with Apostille Certificate only on original document. No electronic, photos or certified copy will be accepted

BIRTH CERTIFICATE Replacement can be issued in 1-2 working days then attach the Apostille Legalisation on the Same Day in emergency

If you are looking to establish dual citizenship in UK or overseas, get married in another country, purchase or sell property in another country, inheritance, you will be asked to obtain an Birth Certificate Apostille. If you have a child born in UK and you want to register to your Embassy, Consulate, or representative you need to legalise your child birth certificate and translate to your language.

We offer fast service, accurate translations for:

  • Business Documents 
  • Corporate Legal
  • Health & Medical
  • Manufacturing
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Westminster Apostille Translation

Westminster Document Translation Services

  • Any language
  • Fast. Accurate. Confidential. Affordable.
  • Accredited/Certified Translators
  • All industries and subject matter
  • Personalized services
  • Translation of Documents and Written Materials
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