An Annex to the Hague Apostille Convention provides a Model Apostille Certificate Apostilles should conform as closely as possible to this Hague Model Certificate In particular, an Apostille must: be identified as an Apostille; and include the short version of the...
Hague Apostille FAQ
Hague Apostille UK Legalisation is a certificate applied on the back of the requested document and confirms validity of a document, signature, stamp or seal. The Hague Apostille Convention only applies if both the country where the public document was issued and the country where the public document is to be used are parties to the Convention.

How are Apostilles affixed to public documents?
An Apostille must be placed directly on the public document itself or on a separate attached page (called an allonge). Apostilles may be affixed by various means, including rubber stamps, self-adhesive stickers, impressed seals, etc. If an Apostille is placed on...
What are the effects of an Apostille?
An Apostille only certifies the origin of the public document to which it relates: it certifies the authenticity of the signature or seal of the person or authority that signed or sealed the public document and the capacity in which this was done. An Apostille...
Once I have an Apostille, do I need anything else to show that the signature or seal on my public document is genuine?
No. An Apostille issued by the relevant Competent Authority is all that is required to establish that a signature or seal on a public document is genuine and to establish the capacity of the person or authority that signed or sealed the public document. If the...
If the recipient of my Apostille wants to verify my Apostille, what should I suggest?
Each Competent Authority is required to keep a register in which it records the date and number of every Apostille it issues, as well as information relating to the person or authority that signed or sealed the underlying public document. To verify a Hague Apostille...
Can Apostilles be rejected in the country where they are to be used?
While the Permanent Bureau (Secretariat) of the Hague Conference provides a broad range of services to support the Contracting States in the effective implementation and practical operation of the Apostille Convention, it does not issue any Apostilles, does not...