Diploma Apostille verifies the authenticity of a degree and confirms that it can be legally used in another country.
For digital diplomas, the apostille verifies the validity and authenticity of the document. A legalised hard copy or e-Apostille can be issued.
Each diploma with an apostille will have a UK Goverment credetials to check that your qualification is genuine, necessary evidence for overseas jobs, comparability study, emigration, or visa.

Degree Apostille – UK Diploma Apostille Legalisation
Our specialist team can get the apostille to a degree no matter how old or new are your diploma.
We are experts in providing the Degree Apostille which saves you time and money.
We can help you today to get guaranteed legalisation Apostille Diploma from just £79.
Our office can virtually legalise any genuine documents from any UK University, School or training provider.
What type of Apostille Diploma we can Legalise?
– A Foundation Degree – Shorter Courses combines the academic study and workplace
– International Baccalaureate
– Bachelor’s Degree – three or four years of full-time study in one specific subject
– Bachelor of Arts – (BA) undergraduate degree in the humanities or arts
– Bachelor’s of Medicine (MB) and Science (BSc)
– Master Degree – advanced graduate degree
– Doctoral Degree – highest degree you can earn in most fields
– Qualification Degree – GCSEs, A Level, Edexcel, BTEC, NVQ, SVQ, AQA, OCR, CCEA
– Vocational Qualifications – City & Guilds, ESOL, QCF
– Corporate training and professional training, T Level, etc
New!!! – Medical Schools Diploma Apostille
We are now preparing documents for overseas medical schools. Our specialised work includes the legalisation with apostille, solicitor/notary authentication, certified translations
Have you finish your study in UK and move overseas? Then before you leave the country you must legalised by means of apostille. In order to be recognised or to apply for equivalency exams, your UK Diploma need an Apostille.
Did you find a job offer to teach overseas? Then in order to get visa or job approval, your diplomas, DBS Disclosure and other documents need to be apostilled and authenticated by the local UK Embassy or Consulate.
We certify and legalise degrees for: South Korea, Vietnam, China, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Singapore etc

Options for degree apostille diploma
– In order for your degree to be apostilled need to bear the certification of a Notary or Solicitor prior to the Apostille Seal
– We offer a Solicitor or Notary to certify your UK diploma.
– The apostille diploma can be attached to the original (on the back of the document) or on the certified copy of the original.
– Student Transcripts can also be certified and bind together with a notary corner.
Options to send the diploma for apostille
- Original by post courier (UK or Overseas)
- Certified copy by a Notary or Solicitor from the UK.
- Scanned copy from your personal email (in this case the School or University you have attended or a simple confirmation from the secretary to our email that you have been a student)
- Scanned pdf copy from your personalised school email (ex: laurakenn@ucl.ac.uk)
- Downloading the diploma from University/School website or QR code verification.
- Digital-issued diploma (see below)

Electronic issued Diploma
The UK Universities can issue official electronic parchment (certificate) via Digitary CORE Portal , Gradintelligence, Hedd Prospects , QualificationCheck, Blockchain certificate, This enables you to securely share with us the verification of your diploma or qualification. We can use the link to safely download your diploma, certify and attach the apostille legalisation on your degree.
You can receive from us a hard copy or a digital scanned diploma with the apostille attached.
All the digital documents may be eligible for E-Apostille
Please use our email to authorise the download. The model that can be used for authentication can be found here

If there is no other option to send us the documents for the apostille diploma, we can consider the PDF scan to our email and credential link from the Qualification Check to verify the authenticity of the document.

Advanced Secure – Blockchain Paper
Advanced Secure Technologies leads the UK’s market in secure document innovation. From secure certificates and transcripts to diploma supplements, HEARs, student status letters, and proof of qualification.
Check if your diploma have a QR code (front or back) that links to the blockchain verification link.
Universities from the UK that use Blockchain verification:
University of Kent, University of Portsmouth, Bangor University, Lancaster University, Swansea University, University of Sunderland, Edinburgh Napier University, Imperial College London, Bristol University, Exeter University, Queen Mary University, Oxford University, Cardiff University etc. Model can be found here

Are you overseas and you have no options to send documents?
- Because we need to ensure that your diploma is genuine please send together with the scan the verification results from https://www.ecctis.com/
– Cost for Ectis verification click here
– How to apply – Click here - Send the Ectis result together with the scan of the documents in pdf form to our email contact@apostilleseal.co.uk
- We check the results and certify the documents as digital or electronic documents (the same as the original) and attach the apostille on the diploma.

How to legalise a Degree Diploma?
Get your documents apostille legalised in 3 easy, fast and safe steps.

1: Fill the Legalisation Form
The Online Legalisation Form is the easy way to secure your order and be sure you are in the priority line.
If you can’t use the online form, please print and fill the paper-back Order Form with your details.

2: Post your original documents
You’ll find the postal address and all needed details in the confirmation email that you’ll receive after the secure online order.
For paper-back form please do not forget to insert the printed form in the envelope.

3: Get documents legalised
We legalise your documents and post them back to you at the specified address UK or overseas.
The standard postage it’s FREE of charge in UK. If you are in a hurry, we can send them faster for a small postage fee.
Legalise Diploma and Degree – Apostille UK
Legalise Online
- Fill the form with your details
- Choose apostille services and book online
- Send the documents to us (or emailed if from the school)
Legalise by FORM
- Print and fill the Order Form with your details
- Post your documents with the Order Form to us
- We legalise your documents and post it back to you
All our Hague Apostille are issued by UK Government through FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
The price includes the Gov Tax, Admin and standard delivery (UK) – The Notary/Solicitor certification can be added when booking.
We guarantee the apostille on any UK Diploma by our proven tracking and free expert advice.
Degree Apostille
Value 10-12 Days- GOV FEE
Apostille Degree
Standard 6-8 Days- GOV FEE
Diploma Apostille
Fast 3-5 Days- GOV FEE
Apostille Diploma
Next Day Legalisation- GOV FEE

- Spanish Visa Sworn Translation can only be done by a Sworn Translator appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAEC) and aprooved by Spanish Embassy. Be sure to order the translation to an Official Translator, or the translation will not be valid.
- Specialised in the certified translation of official documents such as birth certificates, criminal record certificates, academic transcripts, vaccination records, certificates of single status and/or non-divorced, marriage certificates or certificates of common-law unions, naturalisation certificates, bank letters of financial solvency, and apostilles.
We offer fast service, accurate translations for:
- Apostille Degree, Master, Bachelor, Transcript
- Diploma Apostille Translation
Document Translation Services
- Any language
- Fast. Accurate. Confidential. Affordable.