An apostille is a special certificate attached to a public document to verify its authenticity for legal purposes in another country. The Hague apostille is the exclusive competence of the authorities of the country issuing the document in our case the documents...
Hague Apostille FAQ
Hague Apostille UK Legalisation is a certificate applied on the back of the requested document and confirms validity of a document, signature, stamp or seal. The Hague Apostille Convention only applies if both the country where the public document was issued and the country where the public document is to be used are parties to the Convention.

What is e-Apostille? Electronic Apostille explained
An e-apostille is a digital version of a paper apostille. It serves the same purpose of legalizing a UK document for use in another country that is part of the Hague Apostille Convention. However, instead of being attached to the document as a physical stamp, it is...
What is the Apostille? UK APOSTILLE Legalisation
Apostille UK certifies that your document is true and it is necesarry evidence to verify the validity and authenticity of UK documents for overseas use. For the electronic documents, the apostille verifies the integrity of the presented pdf or link. A hard copy or...
Apostille for Digital Diploma from Universities – Gradintelligence
LONDONDERRY APOSTILLE Legalisation from £59 – Free advise
Londonderry Apostille Legalisation is an certificate applied on the back of the requested document and confirm validity of an document, signature, stamp or seal. The Apostille certificate can be done on any UK document. We can also translate, certify and authenticate...
How to get an Apostille: 3 steps to follow
Check if the documents are from the Gov or need solicitor/notary certification Choose your apostille services Send the original or electronic documents to us UK Apostille Legalisation is a certificate applied on the back of the requested document and confirms the...
Where do I get an Hague Apostille?
Each country that is a party to the Convention must designate one or several authorities that are entitled to issue Apostilles. These authorities are called Competent Authorities – only they are permitted to issue Apostilles. In the UK the FCO – Foreign and...
To which documents does the Apostille Convention apply?
The Convention applies to public documents. Whether or not a document is a public document is determined by the law of the country in which the document was issued. Countries typically apply the Convention to a wide variety of documents. Most Apostilles are issued for...
In which countries does Hague Apostille Convention apply?
The Hague Apostille Convention only applies if both the country where the public document was issued and the country where the public document is to be used are parties to the Convention. A comprehensive and updated list of the countries where the Apostille Convention...
What is an Apostille and when do I need one?
An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document (e.g., a birth, marriage or death certificate, a judgment, an extract of a register or a notarial attestation). Apostilles can only be issued for documents issued in one country party to...